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  I bought a piece of land before getting married. I registered it in my name and even started building on it before getting married. But upon marriage, my husband and I agreed that rent would not help us so he helped me to finish the building and we all moved in to live as husband and wife. Now our marriage is on the rocks, and we are getting a divorce. Why should the man who has treated me so badly get a share of this house which is registered in my personal name and not our joint names. Does it not belong to me alone? Can such a property be classified as a marital property? The above scenario and many more are questions that disturb the peace of many people about divorce. The question of “marital property” and how it should be shared. The Law in Ghana on distribution of marital property is very simple and complex at the same time. The law says EQUALITY IS EQUITY . The properties of the couple must be shared in such a way that every person would be equally and adequately catered for.


    Social media has been buzzing with a picture of a writing on the walls of an alleged loan defaulter. The writings also allege that QUICK CREDIT, a popular loans company, is the person behind the writings. Let me say here that I have not done any independent check to confirm if Quick Credit is behind the writings on the walls of the person and this article is not in any way intended to take-on the said company but rather provide general advice to the public at large. This “quick credit” defaulter and other issues concerning how companies treat customers who default in paying loans has inspired my decision to take up this topic and share a few tips to both individuals and companies alike.   This Article will throw some light on the rights of a defaulter as well as the right of the creditor and what the two parties can safely do to ensure they do not fall at the wrong side of the law.   To set the tone, let me share the story of a client whose name I cannot mention. This client took a

Barring Health Officials from Active Party Politics, justified?

  I read with dismay a circular dated 13 th April, 2023, authored and circulated by the Ministry of Health to directorates, institutions and affiliate bodies under the Ministry. The Ministry’s directive is simply to remind these institutions that it has seen some Senior Staff in the Health Sector engaging in active partisan political activities. And that the Ministry is warning those Senior Staff to abreast themselves of the under listed guidelines and sanctions attached thereon, which guidelines and sanctions were culled from the Human Resource Management Policy and Manual for the Ghana Public Services particularly at pages 104 to 105: i.                    A Public Servant shall not openly participate in partisan political activities, seek political office whilst still in the public service or use Government facilities, equipment or resources to assist any candidate seeking elected political office. ii.                  A Public Servant shall not act in a manner or assume a posi